A short documentary featuring Jonathan Kearnes and Adrian Harrington of Adrian Harrington Rare Books, London. It focuses on the physical, irreplaceable nature of the book as an object. It’s a fascinating story of books, their history & the bibliophile addiction. …
Category: Books
Books, Events, Libraries, Manuscripts
Royal Manuscripts: The Genius of Illumination
by bibliophile
A heads up about an intriguing exhibition coming to the British Library (11 November 2011 – 13 March 2012.) Royal Manuscripts: The Genius of Illumination is the British Library’s first major exhibition to bring together the Library’s Royal collection, a…
Books, Events, Libraries
Renaissance City Views
by bibliophile
The University of Pennsylvania Libraries is hosting an exhibition entitled Renaissance City Views from Above and Afar. About the exhibition: Between 1572 and 1617, Georg Braun, editor, and Franz Hogenberg, engraver, produced the Civitates Orbis Terrarum, a multi-volume collection of…
Artist makes high-priced sculptures from old books
by bibliophile
“Atlanta artist Brian Dettmer creates memorable works of art by slicing, whittling and tearing into books. Mark Strassmann reports on Dettmer’s vision for a vanishing form of art.” I guess the above is referring to books as the “vanishing form…
Books, Events
Illuminating the Serenissima
by bibliophile
Books of the Republic of Venice May 3-June 19, 2011 at the Elizabeth Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, MA La Serenissima, or the Most Serene Republic of Venice, existed for over a millennium from the late seventh century to 1797.…